Open Day 2024

Register for Open Day in August and discover which courses spark your interest.

Fully-matching results

LAWS2028 - Animal Law - 2025

This unit examines the current legal and regulatory frameworks governing a variety of human-animal interactions in Australia. It strongly emphasises animal welfare, the legal protection of animals, law reform, and activism. The content is

NATM3004 - Clinical Studies in Naturopathic Medicine 5: Urogenital and Endocrine systems - 2025

Integrates knowledge and skills in clinical sciences, naturopathic therapeutics, interdisciplinary care and clinical reasoning in order to safely and effectively assess, diagnose, plan, treat and review urological, reproductive or diabetes

BIOL2012 - Introductory Histopathology and Cytopathology - 2025

This unit serves as the foundation for understanding the essential principles and practices in histopathology and cytopathology, within the context of clinical pathology. Designed to provide a comprehensive overview, the unit explores the

HBIO2005 - Human Pathophysiology - 2024

Introduces students to the pathophysiology underlying human disease processes, emphasising cell injury, adaptation and death, genetic and congenital disorders, microbiological and immunologic factors, and neoplasia. Physiological pathology of the

MECH3001 - Dynamics of Machines - 2024

Further develops the study of engineering dynamics. The focus is on machines, associated mechanisms, and vibration. Emphasis is on the dynamic forces within machines and their significance with respect to the equipment they drive, are driven by

OCCU3002 - Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Programs - 2024

This unit positions students to use evidence and evaluation skills to answer professional questions related to occupational therapy practice. Students will evaluate existing research and use this information to generate evidence-based solutions

OCCU3002 - Evaluation of Occupational Therapy Programs - 2025

This unit positions students to use evidence and evaluation skills to answer professional questions related to occupational therapy practice. Students will evaluate existing research and use this information to generate evidence-based solutions

UNIP1003 - Problem Solving with Maths - 2024

Focuses on introducing students to skills and concepts that will build a strong foundation in mathematics and develop confidence for undergraduate study. It will provide opportunities to apply and connect these skills by solving real world

UNIP1003 - Problem Solving with Maths - 2025

Focuses on introducing students to skills and concepts that will build a strong foundation in mathematics and develop confidence for undergraduate study. It will provide opportunities to apply and connect these skills by solving real world

BUSN3008 - Industry Project II - 2024

This unit builds on Industry Project I, and provides an opportunity to design and implement the solution devised in Industry Project I.