Open Day 2024

Register for Open Day in August and discover which courses spark your interest.

Fully-matching results

NATM6007 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1 - 2024

Integrates, applies, consolidates and extends knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the course in a 170-hour professional experience placement undertaken in a real-life primary care setting.

NATM6007 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 1 - 2025

Integrates, applies, consolidates and extends knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the course in a 170-hour professional experience placement undertaken in a real-life primary care setting.

NATM6009 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 3 - 2024

Integrates, applies, consolidates and extends knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the course in a 170-hour professional experience placement undertaken in a real-life primary care setting, as well as a specialised healthcare

NATM6009 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 3 - 2025

Integrates, applies, consolidates and extends knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the course in a 170-hour professional experience placement undertaken in a real-life primary care setting, as well as a specialised healthcare

NATM6008 - Clinical Naturopathic Placement 2 - 2025

Integrates, applies, consolidates and extends knowledge, skills and behaviours developed throughout the course in a 170-hour professional experience placement undertaken in a real-life primary care setting, as well as a geographically and/or

TCHR6011 - Professional Experience: Early Childhood II - 2024

Focuses on students developing links between research, theory, and practice in early childhood education specifically for preschool aged children: birth to two years. Students will build on the development of personal and professional attributes,

TCHR6011 - Professional Experience: Early Childhood II - 2025

Focuses on students developing links between research, theory, and practice in early childhood education specifically for preschool aged children: birth to two years. Students will build on the development of personal and professional attributes,

NURS5015 - Community Partnerships - 2025

Develops students’ abilities in using partnership techniques to work with individuals, groups, families and vulnerable populations to address healthcare and social inequalities to build healthy communities, promote and improve wellbeing.

NURS6001 - Clinical Nursing II - 2025

Builds on the knowledge and skills gained in Nursing Practices I to enable students to further develop their critical thinking and safe practice in the management of the deteriorating patient in the acute inpatient care setting.  Practice in

NURS6003 - Clinical Nursing III - 2025

Consolidates learning across the Master of Nursing in a capstone double-weighted unit, which provides students with the opportunity to experience, through simulation, several problem-based learning scenarios, in preparation for their role as a